Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Golfing Forums

In today's technology-forward world, it seems that there's a website for pretty much everyone and everything. Given this, it's only natural that golfers should have their place on the Internet too and this comes in the form of golfing forums.

To start, a forum is a member-oriented website where members can post freely to one another in a topic-response format. Golfing forums in particular are a great way for a person to connect to a larger community of golfers. They are places where you can talk about pretty much everything related to golf, things such as swing tips, professional golf news, equipment reviews, etc. although this varies from forum to forum.

There's dozens of golfing forums (if not more) on the Internet today and given this large number, most times its hard to find the perfect one to join. Here are two forums in particular that I've found to be helpful to me over the years:

1) TheSandTrap.com: one of the best and most informative golf websites on the Internet I think, yet it's forum still feels like a small community of golfers. This site has everything from product reviews to tour talk and much more. It also has a section on it's forum where members can post a video of their golf swing and have various members of the forum (some who are PGA professionals) critique it and offer feedback on how to improve it. The forum also organizes golf outings for members who are close to one another. Another interesting feature of the website is that users can submit their own reviews of courses, equipment, etc., reviews which I find more honest that most other ones. The best part of the website is if you have a question or need help with anything, just simply create a thread and people will respond with advice quickly. Overall the site is very focused on being community-oriented and focused on helping its members too.

2) TorontoGolfNuts.com: a smaller/Toronto-oriented version of The Sand Trap I find, with the same "golfing community" idea behind it (perhaps a stronger sense of community if you're from Toronto). As a Toronto golfer, I've found this forum very helpful in regards to golf courses. Since most of the members are from Toronto/GTA, they've played most of the courses I've played. It's nice to talk to other golfers who play where you play and discuss the courses. I find that it's a good place to find out about a new course, new specials at other courses, which courses are being run well, and what others liked/disliked about a course. It's also a great place to meet some new golf buddies and a great place to find that 4th person for that Sunday foursome. Overall if you golf in Toronto, then this is the site for you.

So if you're interested in joining a golfing forum, be sure to give these ones a thought,

Toronto Golf Reviews

NOTE: Remember that these are forums that I personally think are pretty good and beneficial to golfers, hence my reason for sharing them here. I am in no way being endorsed by these websites or being forced to post about them. 

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